Hall of Breakfast | Tips and Tricks | SLC, UT

The Hall of Breakfast Museum in Salt Lake has been on everyone's summer to do list this year so you bet I jumped at the chance to go while visiting the Wasatch Front.  I can honestly say I had no idea what to expect aside from the few photos I had seen on Instagram so I decided to write up a blog on "what I wish I knew."  This exhibit is open until Sept 1, 2018 so you have a few more weeks to see it for yourself.  Scroll down for some tips and tricks before you go!


1. Crowds are small.

I'll admit I was a little nervous that I would have to wait in line to nab pics which doesn't exactly work when taking small children.  Thankfully, HOB only sells a certain amount of tickets so despite a few groups here and there, we pretty much had free reign to run a play.  I would suggest grabbing your tickets online to ensure you get the day and time you want.


2.  Take your kids!

Hall of Breakfast is a perfect place to beat the heat and let your kids be kids.  Whether it's climbing, throwing, or sliding...they have it all.  My kids had an absolute blast and it felt good as a mom to have a place where I didn't have to say, "don't."


3.  Bring a wide lens for your camera.  

As with most indoor photoshoots a 35mm would work great.  I left most of my camera gear home to make life simpler, but realized pretty quickly the 50mm lens I left on my camera would take some maneuvering.  Phones are pretty wide to begin with so they should work just fine.   


4.  The Bright Colored Walls Reflect on Skin.

The bright walls are what we all come to see, but know that the white balance in each photo is going to need some tweaking.  Especially if you don't want to look like you just came from a chalk fest.  I played with the temperature and tint quite a bit to counteract the funky looking skin as much as possible.  As with any photoshoot pinks and reds will always be the worst as you can see in these next few photos.


5.  There is no natural light. 

I'm all about the natural light, but note that there are no windows in the exhibit.  Luckily for us all, they planned ahead and you can expect ring lights set up here and there.  Don't be afraid to use them when you can.  Simply aim them towards your face, but don't stand too close or it will create too bright of a highlight.  


6.  Be prepared to play.

Definitely take advantage of Instagram worthy set ups, but don't forget to put away the camera and just enjoy the moment.  Get your photos quick and jump right into the activities.  I had just as much fun as my kids throwing eggs at pans, drawing on walls, and swimming in the ball pit.  


So who's ready to play while paying tribute to the best meal of the day?  I hope these simple tips help your experience be a little more fun!